Caught in the Web Full Movie Online (2013)

Plot Summary: This contemporary ensemble drama centers around the story of a young woman, who after learning of a terminal illness, is caught on video mistreating an elderly bus passenger. She quickly becomes the victim of a massive viral internet campaign, with her life, and the lives of everyone around her, slipping into chaos and media scrutiny. A social commentary about the ‘sound bite’ society we are becoming, it is a moving tale of the effects media and technology have on the truth, and the damage quick judgments can cause.

Studio: levelFILM
Director: Chen Kaige
Screenwriter: Chen Kaige, Danian Tang
Starring: Yuanyuan Gao, Chen Yao, Mark Chao, Hong Chen, Xueqi Wang
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Review: Not Available
DVD Review: Not Available
DVD: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills: Not Available 
Release Date: November 27, 2013

Caught In The Web Official Trailer 1 (2013) - Chinese Thriller HD

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